
We design art...

We have Professional Registration and Legal Licenses!

About Us


Properties Consulting Engineering is a Consulting Engineering Company that offers a full range of services of Professional Engineering in the areas of Structural Engineering, Project Engineering with Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Civil and Building, and Construction Management expertise. for residential and commercial projects, In consulting project management, structural restoration and value engineering, inspection reports for damage assessment regarding insurance claims as well as litigation, structural assessment and structural and electrical certification of existing buildings.

Our services

Accompaniments are made to discern the state of structures and walls of buildings.
Just imagine, we do it for you!

Sign and Seal
Professional Engineer in the state of Florida (License No. 35276)
Special Inspector for Threshold Buildings in the state of Florida (Florida License No. 0624)
General Contractor in the state of Florida (Registration No. CGC038771)
PCE has performed work in the areas of Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Architecture and Structural Engineering.

You can see in real time the progress of your property from your cell phone or office



Inspection Approval letter
$ 250 / base inspection

  • Can be add to the Inspection:
  • Sclerometry
  • X-Ray Scanner
  • Tomography


Properties Consulting Engineering
$ 175 / Initial consult

  • Eng. Carlos Navarro
  • PE Professional Engineer FL
  • Special Inspector for Threshold Buildings FL
  • General Contractor FL


4K HD Camera
$ 680 per project

  • Inspection report
  • Featured images
  • Certified pilot
  • Inspections in hard to reach places

Special Works

Interior Design

We generate the desired environment in any space


You can see how the work will look before doing it

Home Automation

Automatic Systems controlled from your Phone

Our Team

Carlos Navarro

President, P.E. and G.C.(Structural Engineer)

Antonio Messa

Project Manager (Electronic Engineer)

Diana Castro

Interior Design Department (Industrial Designer)


Structural Department (Structural Engineer)

Eduardo Batres

Consultant (G.C.)


unsplash-logoJamar Penny unsplash-logoSven Mieke unsplash-logoAlvaro Reyes

Light photo created by freepik - www.freepik.com
Industry photo created by KumarPrem - www.freepik.com Business photo created by jcomp - www.freepik.com Business card photo created by tirachardz - www.freepik.com Copyright ReconGuardian©. Made by Zeth. - www.reconguardian.com